A heart attack happens when a blocked artery prevents oxygen-rich blood from getting into some part of the heart. If the blocked artery is not opened quickly, then that specific part of the heart will die because of a lack of nourishment. The danger is increased if the person doesn’t get medical attention quickly.
For many years, the problem of heart attack has been largely associated with men. However, statistics indicate that a heart attack is a major cause of death in both men and women. The notion that men are at greater risk may be because some heart disease symptoms in women differ from those in men – making it difficult to diagnose.
Identifying these symptoms and quickly taking action, can help to reduce the severity and long-term impact of a heart attack.
Heart Attack Symptoms in Women
Chest Pains
Chest pain is one of the most common heart attack symptoms for both men and women. It’s often described as pressure, squeezing, aching or tightness.
However, chest pain is often mild and sometimes goes unnoticed, especially in women. Most women would describe it as tightness or pressure. This means that women can experience a heart attack without chest pain.
In fact, a survey carried out in 2003 showed that 29.7 percent of women experienced discomfort a week before a heart attack.
Shortness of Breath
Another common symptom of a heart attack in women is if you experience heavy breathing without exhaustion and shortness of breath combined with chest pain, then it could be a heart-related problem.
Some women will experience difficulty in breathing when lying down, but symptom eases when they sit upright. It’s important to seek medical attention if you experience this form of discomfort.
Unusual or Extreme Fatigue
Most heart attack patients report incidents of unusual or extreme fatigue a few weeks before experiencing a heart attack. Victims also experience fatigue just before the attack. A person will often feel exhausted by simple activities that usually don’t cause exhaustion.
Upper Body Pain
The areas that are often affected include the neck, jaw and upper back or arm. However, this symptom can be difficult to attribute, because it doesn’t always affect a specific muscle or joint also, the symptom is sometimes mild which can make it difficult to notice.
Difficulty Sleeping
In studies, women were reported to have experienced difficulties in sleeping before they had a heart attack. Sleeping issues may include finding it hard to sleep, unusual sleep interruptions at night and feeling fatigued despite getting adequate sleep.
Stomach Issues
Some women may experience stomach pressure or pain just before a heart attack. There are also other digestive issues associated with the possibility of experiencing a heart attack. They include nausea, indigestion, and vomiting.
If you find yourself sweating excessively without any reason, then it could be a sign of an impending heart attack. Besides that, sometimes you might feel cold and clammy. All these are possible symptoms of a heart attack.
What to Do if You Experience These Symptoms
It’s always important to seek medical attention once you experience any of the signs and symptoms mentioned above. A medical alert system can make it easier to connect with emergency response and get the help you need faster. Optional fall detection can also connect you with help, even if you can’t push the button.